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Reco_tf fix with AODs as input

Johannes Junggeburth requested to merge (removed):reco_tf_fix into master

This MR fixes Reco_tf to obtain a DPD using an AOD as input

7:50:31 Shortened traceback (most recent user call last):
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 170, in <module>
17:50:31     else: include( "RecExCommon/" )
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 585, in <module>
17:50:31     treatException("Could not import TriggerJobOpts.TriggerGetter . Switched off !" )
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 583, in <module>
17:50:31     triggerGetter = TriggerGetter()
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 35, in __init__
17:50:31     Configured.__init__(self, ignoreExistingDataObject=False)
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 71, in __init__
17:50:31     configuredOK = self.configure()
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 81, in configure
17:50:31     cfg = TriggerConfigGetter()  # noqa: F841
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 39, in __init__
17:50:31     super(TriggerConfigGetter,self).__init__() # calls configure
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 71, in __init__
17:50:31     configuredOK = self.configure()
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 246, in configure
17:50:31     if ConfigFlags.Trigger.EDMVersion >= 3:
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 69, in __getattr__
17:50:31     return self._flags._get( merged )
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 232, in _get
17:50:31     return self._flagdict[name].get(self)
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 38, in get
17:50:31     return deepcopy(self._setDef(flagdict))
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 133, in <lambda>
17:50:31     flags.addFlag('Trigger.EDMVersion', lambda prevFlags: EDMVersion(prevFlags))
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 60, in EDMVersion
17:50:31     if flags.Input.Format=="BS":
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 69, in __getattr__
17:50:31     return self._flags._get( merged )
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 232, in _get
17:50:31     return self._flagdict[name].get(self)
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 38, in get
17:50:31     return deepcopy(self._setDef(flagdict))
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 41, in <lambda>
17:50:31     acf.addFlag('Input.Format', lambda prevFlags : GetFileMD(prevFlags.Input.Files).get("file_type","") ) # former global.InputFormat
17:50:31   File "/cvmfs/", line 15, in GetFileMD
17:50:31     raise RuntimeError('Input file name not set, instead _ATHENA_GENERIC_INPUTFILE_NAME_ found. Cannot read metadata.')
17:50:31 RuntimeError: Input file name not set, instead _ATHENA_GENERIC_INPUTFILE_NAME_ found. Cannot read metadata.

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