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Fix for ATLASRECTS-5888

William Axel Leight requested to merge wleight/athena:ATLASRECTS-5888 into master

This ensures that the final segment collections written out contain both MuGirl and Muon(Moo)SegmentFinderAlg segments. The xAOD segment container is now created and filled in the MuonCreatorAlg (so the xAODMuonCnvAlg is removed from the configuration). The Muon(Moo)SegmentFinderAlg segments are copied into the final Trk::SegmentCollection in MuonCreatorAlg. Conversion of the segments now happens in the the MuonCreatorAlg as well. MuGirl segments are only added to the final Trk::SegmentCollection and MuonSegmentContainer if they correspond to a muon with primary author MuGirl. The MuonSegmentContainer used for associating segments to muons is now passed directly to the tool, rather than retrieved from SG. This will violate FT0 in some sense, as the MuGirl segments were not previously being written out, but no aspect of the reconstruction actually changes.

Closes ATLASRECTS-5888

Merge request reports
