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Fix transient ByteStream configuration

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:fix-trans-bs into master

!39213 (merged) introduced two issues with algorithm dependencies, causing some jobs to execute in wrong order and leading to scheduler stalls. One was related to the transient ByteStream algorithm, the other to CaloNoiseCondAlg.

The two issues are fixed with two commits here:

  1. Add fictitious ExtraOutputs to the BS alg to ensure clients can get scheduled after it using this dependency. There is already a client: L1Decoder which uses this. It was just missed in the new CA configuration of the transient BS.
  2. Add and use new configuration of LArRawDataContByteStreamTool fully based on ComponentAccumulator and ensuring all the upstream CondAlgs are scheduled correctly. FYI @pavol, @damazio

Fixes ATR-22551

Tested with and

For RC: Please do not squash.

Edited by Rafal Bielski

Merge request reports
