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Fixes to pedestal correction related trigger algorithm sequence

Ben Carlson requested to merge bcarlson/athena:Jan19 into 21.3
  • For MC simulation, I adjusted the sequence to run the PC from HITS to RDO, as implemented in MR37875. Here I change the names pulled from the trigger sequence to reflect the pedestal corrected containers. Note that the PC applied from HITS to RDO has been validated, and seem to perform well. See:
  • For the emulation (data and MC), adjusted the sequence to use the new SuperCellBCIDEmAlg algorithm introduced in MR38859. This means the PC now works on emulated MC and on data. Please note that this fix does resolve some issues with the pedestal correction for the emulation tool and for data, but the known issues with an estimate of the supercell time in data persist. To be clear, we cannot trust the emulation until we address the timing issue (that is in progress by Lisa Baltes and myself, but not related to this merge request) ATR-22168, ATR-20845
  • The MR38395 is no longer needed and has been closed, as this involves some fixes for a different angle to this problem, that we decided to not pursue.
  • I have tested these changes using the MC reconstruction tag and using the trigger reprocessing command on data.

Test to run on MC simulation --AMIConfig="r12259" --maxEvents="10" \ --inputHITSFile="/eos/atlas/user/b/bcarlson/Run3Tmp/mc16_13TeV.361020.Pythia8EvtGen_A14NNPDF23LO_jetjet_JZ0W.simul.HITS.e3569_s3126/HITS.10728672._000474.pool.root.1" \ --inputHighPtMinbiasHitsFile="/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/trig-daq/validation/test_data/validate_sampleT/mc16_13TeV.361239.Pythia8EvtGen_A3NNPDF23LO_minbias_inelastic_high.simu\ l.HITS.e4981_s3087_s3111/HITS.10701335._000217.pool.root.1" \ --inputLowPtMinbiasHitsFile="/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/trig-daq/validation/test_data/validate_sampleT/mc16_13TeV.361238.Pythia8EvtGen_A3NNPDF23LO_minbias_inelastic_low.simul.\ HITS.e4981_s3087_s3111/HITS.10701323._005536.pool.root.1" \ --outputRDOFile="RDO.r12259.pool.root"--outputESDFile="ESD.r12259.pool.root" --outputAODFile="AOD.r12259.pool.root" --jobNumber="1" \

Test to run on data --athena --inputBS_RDOFile=/cvmfs/\ ._SFO-6._0001.1 --outputBSFile --athenaopts='-c "setMenu=\"Physics_pp_v8\";rerunLVL1=False;rerunLVL1PhaseI=True;"' --maxEvents 10

Edited by Ben Carlson

Merge request reports
