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Algorithm cleaning when running in fast tracking configuration

Noemi Calace requested to merge ncalace/athena:21.9-fast-tracking-plots into 21.9

Changing the configuration of few algorithms to avoid spending CPU when not needed, in the context of fast track reconstruction:

  • Removing InDetTrackCollectionMerger, as not needed for fast tracking (can be tuned later on if running with multiple passes is needed);
  • Removing HoleSearchTool in the configuration of the TrackSummaryTool, to avoid evaluation of precise holes as they are not used in track reconstruction (only pattern holes are used in track finding);
  • Implementing fitting algorithm to test the machinery and switched off by default (not meant to run in fast track recostruction).

FYI: @tstreble, @nstyles, @tadej, @asalzbur, @iene, @hgray

Edited by Noemi Calace

Merge request reports
