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Improve HLT jet monitoring, and use JetRecAlg more widely

Teng Jian Khoo requested to merge khoo/athena:master-HLT-JetMonTiming into master

Various improvements:

  • Renamed some monitored variables for clarity
  • Tweaked histogram ranges
  • Replaces outdated JetAlgorithm+JetRecTool with new JetRecAlg (some additional modifiers were needed, and the odd config change)

Attn @jbossios, @valentem -- do we want to discuss in more detail what we want to have monitored? Among other things I note that we don't have any monitoring of the jet mass, which might be relevant for some chains. There was also discussion of pileup-dependent histograms.

Edited by Teng Jian Khoo

Merge request reports
