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Add variable-radius track jets for derivations

William Keaton Balunas requested to merge wbalunas/athena:vrJets-210202 into master

Following some discussion with FTag, we decided to change the way variable-R track jets are built for R22: The actual building of these jets and their ghost-association to large-R jets will be done in the jet/MET configuration, while the b-tagging will be factored out and stay the FTag side (in R21, everything was done within FTag).

This MR adds functions allowing this to be scheduled in derivations, and adds the standard collection (AntiKtVR30Rmax4Rmin02TrackJets) to PHYS. I've included config to create ghost pseudojets from these and include them in the clustering of the large-R jets, avoiding the need for r21-style re-reconstruction of those large-R jets. The large-R jets should automatically contain links to the ghost-associated track jets.

Tagging @sawyer, @cdelitzs, @mswiatlo, @delsart (Jet/MET), @dguest, @vdao, @cschiavi (FTag), @lheinric, @alister (AMG).

Edited by William Keaton Balunas

Merge request reports
