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jet hypo: modify how jet groups are calculated in FastReducer when...

Peter Sherwood requested to merge peter/athena:master-22769-0 into master

jet hypo: modify how jet groups are calculated in FastReducer when RepeatedConditions are present in the tree.

src/FastReducer.cxx, h create a table with ConditionMultiplicities: n identical Conditions are represented by a single RepeatedConiditon with multiplicity = n.

TrigHLTJetHypo/src/JetGroupProduct.cxx create a table with the passing jets (vector of indices) for each sibling node. The are n such entries in the table for each condition where n is teh mutliplicity of the condition.

ATR-22769 ATR-22768

@jbossios @valentem @peter

Edited by Christos Anastopoulos

Merge request reports
