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Default jet finding random seed to run/event number

Teng Jian Khoo requested to merge khoo/athena:master-JetRec-fjRandOpt into master

As discussed with @delsart, @wbalunas, it is probably less confusing to default the random seeding for fastjet to be what we did in Run 2, i.e. use run/event number rather than fj default. This would be less confusing for others trying to reproduce AOD results.

No guarantee that other fj instances (e.g. event density calculation, softkiller, CS) are being seeded explicitly or in the same way or any steering whatsoever -- though a quick look seems to suggest that

  • CS has a fixed seeding with run/event number
  • SK does not explicitly seed RNG -- but we use grid calculations and fixed ghosts, so it probably doesn't matter
  • EventShape does not seed

I'd leave deciding & updating the other tools for future work, but this change should make it easier to get consistent results.

Merge request reports