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Changes so that runs in AthenaMP

John Derek Chapman requested to merge jchapman/athena:FixReSimMP_21.0 into 21.0

Updates to the RenameHITS substep.

  • This now writes a HITS_RNM file, rather than a HITS_MRG file to avoid name clashes with any MP-related HITS merging.
  • Set the disableMP=True option in the athenaExecutor contruction for this sub-step. This forces it to run in serial Athena even if nprocs is set.

Updates to the ReSim substep.

  • This now takes a HITS_RNM file as input.
  • outputHITS_RNMFile is now of type argHITSFile rather than argPOOLFile.

With these changes then:

--athenaopts "ReSim:--nprocs=8"

on the command-line or simply setting the usual environment variable:


is all that is needed to make the second sub-step of, but not the first, run in AthenaMP. Output merging works as normal. What I haven't yet tested is whether there is any issue with the job metadata recorded.

FYI @mduehrss, @elmsheus, @rmazini, @pberta

Merge request reports