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StoreGate: add locks in SGHiveMgrSvc::allocateStore() and SGHiveMgrSvc::freeStore()

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:sghivemgr-lock into master

Make allocateStore and freeStore methods thread-safe such that they can be called concurrently. Fixes slot collisions observed when testing with an experimental parallel-I/O HltEventLoopMgr.

Tested with:

athenaHLT \
-l DEBUG \
--threads=24 \
--concurrent-events=24 \
-n 100 \
-f /cvmfs/ \

Doesn't solve all problems with parallel start/end of events, but I think the remaining ones are not in SGHiveMgrSvc and I'll need to investigate them more.

cc @ssnyder

Merge request reports