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Updating the han config webdisplay in HLT to handle Run2 and Run3 monitoring histograms simultaneously [ATR-22786]

While updating the HLT part of the han config for Run3, we must preserve the ability to view Run2 monitoring histograms for the rel 22 data reprocessing validation campaign. According to ATR-22786, we will adapt the layout of the han config such that we change the folder structure from




Then we can code for the Run2 chains under Run2/ and the Run3 chains under Run3/.

Example webdisplay for Run2:

Example webdisplay for Run3 (NB! Only TRHLT and TRBPH are filled! No code in the other signatures yet!)

Caveats and considerations:

  • The han config does not automatically know what is "run2" and what is "run3" -- you still need to specify the histograms and algorithms as before.
  • Since the han config does not know if we have a run2 or run3 run, histograms will simply appear where the folder/histogram matches. In this case, the histograms in HLT/ResultMon in the HIST file, which end up in the TRHLT folder have the same names in Run2 and in Run3, which means that they end up in both folders.
  • If you want to use the same histogram names for both run2 and run3, you need to mark one of the histograms with e.g. @RunTwo like you do if the same histogram appears in the expert and shifter folders, see

Tagging signature coordinators and other people who are affected by this: @tursom , @lyubushk , @abarton , @ynoguchi , @nakahama , @cdiez , @mwakida , @valentem , @jbossios , @jgeisen , @khamano , @jburr @bcarlson , @damazio , @joheinri , @enagy , @dguest , @cpollard , @sutt , @nagano , @hartj , @tbold , @somadutt , @fernando , @cjmeyer , @jodafons , @eegidiop , @malconad , @carquin , @ademaria , @ponyisi , @tamartin , @astruebi

Edited by Elin Bergeaas Kuutmann

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