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Avoid instances of WARNING phiSizeMinusEC is large: 1.10447, capping at 1.0

Avoid instances of "WARNING phiSizeMinusXX is large: 1.XXXX, capping at 1.0"

e.g this is from our data18 SPOT tests

11:47:24 electronSuperClusterBuilder                        WARNING phiSizePlusB is large: 1.92361, capping at 1.0
11:47:25 photonSuperClusterBuilder                          WARNING phiSizePlusB is large: 1.92361, capping at 1.0
11:47:27 LRTphotonSuperClusterBuilder                       WARNING phiSizePlusB is large: 1.92361, capping at 1.0

This was happening in case of hottest eta in endcap or barrel was less or equal to 0 that was then messing the relevant window calculation.

Edited by Christos Anastopoulos

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