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[ATR-21373][ATR-22842] TrigConf::xAODConfigSvc, Support RAWtoALL

Tim Martin requested to merge tamartin/athena:xaodConfSvcFromStore into master

With the deprecation of the TrigConfigSvc, the TrigConf::xAODConfigSvc becomes the de facto service-based source of configuration data.

Up to now, the service could only process and supply in-file trigger metadata. Fine for ESD or AOD reading, but not for during RAWtoALL or RAWtoESD.

This MR adds a new flag m_useInFileMetadata (defaults to true). It gets set to false in the T0 RecExCommon fragment.

Just like when serving in-file metadata, the service allows the new JSON-based objects to be retrieved natively, or via the legacy long-term-support interface (from R1).

There is a residual issue here where by the prescales cannot be accessed in the 1st event, this is because the condition handles are not valid in the first beginEvent incident. They are loaded in the 2nd event. Will try and improve upon this in the future.

I needed !40918 (merged) to make this MR work, @stelzer - I merged your commits into this MR and fixed the minor compile warning, if you like we can use this MR to include your fixes here.

cc also @mark

Merge request reports