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dev3 LCG Nightly Fixes, master branch (2021.03.05.)

These are 2 fixes necessary because of changes in ROOT.

  • The change in ParticleJetTools is a really trivial one. LargeRJetLabelEnum.h is missing an include of TString.h, which for some reason is only showing up as an error with the new ROOT version. 😕
  • The change in xAOD::PerfStats is a bit more elaborate. The TVirtualPerfStats class received a new pure virtual function, which now needs to be implemented by xAOD::PerfStats. This is described in ATEAM-714. (Which this MR should fix.)

Note that while at it, I also removed a check in PerfStats.h that was there from the ROOT 5/6 switching times. 😛

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