Implementation of TrigEFTauDiKaonHypoTool for Run-3 meson+gamma triggers
Implements the purely tau meson-mass hypothesis tool, TrigEFTauDiKaonHypoTool
, for the following trigger chains used in exclusive meson+photon Higgs/Z/W boson decay searches:
- HLT_g25_medium_tau25_dikaonmass_tracktwoMVA_50mVis10000
- HLT_g25_medium_tau25_kaonpi1_tracktwoMVA_50mVis10000
- HLT_g25_medium_tau25_kaonpi2_tracktwoMVA_50mVis10000
- HLT_g25_medium_tau25_singlepion_tracktwoMVA_50mVis10000
- HLT_g35_medium_tau25_dipion3_tracktwoMVA_60mVis10000
Related JIRA ticket:
The chain segments dikaonmass
, kaonpi1/2
, singlepion
and dipion3
are purely tau hypotheses that use the TrigEFTauDiKaonHypoTool
class, which has been ported from its Run-2 equivalent. The chain segments are entered in the tau selection
chain-part in the signature dictionary. This hypothesis is based on TrigEFTauMVHypoTool
, and is implemented on the menu side as an alternative option in within TrigEFTauMVHypoToolFromDict
The chain segment 50mVis10000
is a tau+photon combo invariant mass hypothesis. This will be implemented in a later merge request.
This implementation does not affect chains that use the standard TrigEFTauMVHypoTool
Merge request reports
- Resolved by Robert James Ward
- Resolved by Robert James Ward
added 2 commits
added 316 commits
5f1b17aa...5d84d013 - 312 commits from branch
- 1fd6ec37 - Remove mVis combo hypo tool in menus
- a6cba031 - Merge branch 'master' into run3-mesonGammaTrig
- edb18e02 - Revert "Merge branch 'feature-mesonGammaTrigImplimentation' into 'run3-mesonGammaTrig'"
- 07927673 - Reference file patches for new triggers
Toggle commit list-
5f1b17aa...5d84d013 - 312 commits from branch
This merge request affects 4 packages:
- Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigTauHypo
- Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigAnalysisTest
- Trigger/TrigValidation/TriggerTest
- Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT
Affected files list will not be printed in this case
Adding @sutt ,@martindl ,@ademaria ,@vmartin ,@okumura ,@carquin ,@dzanzi ,@bernius ,@hrussell ,@malconad as watchers
added Tau Trigger TriggerMenu changes-trigger-counts master review-pending-level-1 labels
CI Result SUCCESS (hash 07927673)Athena AthSimulation AthGeneration AnalysisBase AthAnalysis DetCommon externals cmake make required tests optional tests Full details available on this CI monitor view
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthGeneration: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AnalysisBase: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthAnalysis: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
DetCommon: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-CC7 30063]- Resolved by Robert James Ward
- Resolved by Robert James Ward
added review-user-action-required label and removed review-pending-level-1 label
related to ATR-22644
added 362 commits
07927673...c3849bf8 - 360 commits from branch
- 1f93a8b3 - Merge branch 'master' into run3-mesonGammaTrig
- 9b3d0328 - Update copyright statements
07927673...c3849bf8 - 360 commits from branch