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Implementation of TrigEFTauDiKaonHypoTool for Run-3 meson+gamma triggers

Robert James Ward requested to merge roward/athena:run3-mesonGammaTrig into master

Implements the purely tau meson-mass hypothesis tool, TrigEFTauDiKaonHypoTool, for the following trigger chains used in exclusive meson+photon Higgs/Z/W boson decay searches:

  • HLT_g25_medium_tau25_dikaonmass_tracktwoMVA_50mVis10000
  • HLT_g25_medium_tau25_kaonpi1_tracktwoMVA_50mVis10000
  • HLT_g25_medium_tau25_kaonpi2_tracktwoMVA_50mVis10000
  • HLT_g25_medium_tau25_singlepion_tracktwoMVA_50mVis10000
  • HLT_g35_medium_tau25_dipion3_tracktwoMVA_60mVis10000

Related JIRA ticket:

The chain segments dikaonmass, kaonpi1/2, singlepion and dipion3 are purely tau hypotheses that use the TrigEFTauDiKaonHypoTool class, which has been ported from its Run-2 equivalent. The chain segments are entered in the tau selection chain-part in the signature dictionary. This hypothesis is based on TrigEFTauMVHypoTool, and is implemented on the menu side as an alternative option in within TrigEFTauMVHypoToolFromDict.

The chain segment 50mVis10000 is a tau+photon combo invariant mass hypothesis. This will be implemented in a later merge request.

This implementation does not affect chains that use the standard TrigEFTauMVHypoTool tool.

Edited by Robert James Ward

Merge request reports