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PanTauAlgs Build Cleanup, master branch (2021.03.22.)

The main motivation was to make sure that the public headers of the package would be properly installed in "Athena mode", in order for the dictionary to work correctly.

But the cleanup grew into something more. I replaced the CINT dictionary of the package into a Reflex one, introduced the PanTauAlgsLib library that would be built in all circumstances, cleaned up the dependencies of the package, and made sure that the dictionary would refer to types with their correct names.

This is all primarily meant to fix the issue described in ATEAM-721. To get rid of the following types of messages with the upcoming ROOT version:

15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/ITool_PanTauTools.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::ITool_PanTauTools
15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/ITool_InformationStore.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::ITool_InformationStore
15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/ITool_InputConverter.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::ITool_InputConverter
15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/ITool_ModeDiscriminator.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::ITool_ModeDiscriminator
15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/ITool_TauConstituentGetter.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::ITool_TauConstituentGetter
15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/ITool_TauConstituentSelector.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::ITool_TauConstituentSelector
15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/ITool_DetailsArranger.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::ITool_DetailsArranger
15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/Tool_DecayModeDeterminator.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::Tool_DecayModeDeterminator
15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/Tool_DetailsArranger.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::Tool_DetailsArranger
15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/Tool_FeatureExtractor.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::Tool_FeatureExtractor
15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/Tool_InformationStore.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::Tool_InformationStore
15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/Tool_InputConverter.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::Tool_InputConverter
15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/Tool_ModeDiscriminator.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::Tool_ModeDiscriminator
15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/Tool_TauConstituentGetter.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::Tool_TauConstituentGetter
15:08:30 Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
15:08:30    Missing FileEntry for PanTauAlgs/Tool_TauConstituentSelector.h
15:08:30    requested to autoload type PanTau::Tool_TauConstituentSelector
15:08:30 TauRecRunnerAlg.tauRec_PanTau                                0    INFO TauRecRunnerAlg.tauRec_PanTau initialize()
15:08:30 ToolSvc.PanTau_InformationStore                              0    INFO ToolSvc.PanTau_InformationStore initialize()

Unfortunately the latest master--dev4LCG nightlies are not in the greatest shape, so I didn't test whether these changes actually fix this issue. 😦 (All jobs I tried kept crashing in a different place.) But they should...

Note that clients of the package in AnalysisBase will have to switch from linking against PanTauAlgs to using PanTauAlgsLib from now on. (There are no clients in this repository, only in "user repositories".) But this is as good a time as any to force them into making that change...

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