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Add beamspot reweighting functionality to Summary plots made by PhysValExample

James Ferrando requested to merge jferrand/athena:master-physval-reweight into master

These changes implement beamspot reweighting in the PhysValMonitoring example histograms. If no beamspot reweighting information is available then the weight defaults to 1.0. Individual CP groups still need to implement versions for their own dedicated monitoring software.

The code has been tested like so: --inputAODFile="AOD.24387127._000001.pool.root.1" --maxEvents="500" --preExec "all:from InDetRecExample.InDetJobProperties import InDetFlags; InDetFlags.doTTVADecos.set_Value_and_Lock(False);from InDetPhysValMonitoring.InDetPhysValJobProperties import InDetPhysValFlags; InDetPhysValFlags.doValidateTightPrimaryTracks.set_Value_and_Lock(True);" --skipEvents="0" --valid="True" --runNumber="410000" --digiSeedOffset1="20" --digiSeedOffset2="20" --AMITag="p3746" --jobNumber="20" --validationFlags doExample,doMET,doPFlow,doEgamma,doInDet,doTau,doJet,doBtag,doZee,doTopoCluster --outputNTUP_PHYSVALFile="NTUP_PHYSVAL.24596382._000020.pool.root.1"

with the preExec used to workaround existing issues from TTVA decorations as suggested by @cdelitzs . The default behaviour (1.0 if no weighting info present) was verified and an effect on vtx_z also observed that reduces the rms of the distribution.

tagging @miochoa @dhayden @mduehrss @jchapman

Merge request reports
