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Remove some obsolete RegistrationStream components and their tests

Merged Peter Van Gemmeren requested to merge gemmeren/athena:AthenaIO_RegSvcCleanUp into master
All threads resolved!
24 files
+ 0
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Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
PropertyProxy INFO Read module info for 1929 configurables from 585 rootmap files
PluginMgr INFO loaded plugin info for 2674 components
Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
StatusCodeSvc INFO initialize
Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
Athena INFO including file "StoreGate/"
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
Athena INFO including file "IOVSvc/"
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
Athena INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/"
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
Athena INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/"
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
Athena INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/"
Athena INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/"
Athena INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/"
ClassIDSvc INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-12
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 43 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
ClassIDSvc INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, DBDataModelAthenaPoolPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
Athena INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/"
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaSealSvc
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
['STLRflx', 'DetDescrDict']
Athena INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/"
Athena INFO including file "AthenaPoolServices/"
ServiceManager WARNING Service factory for type AthenaRootStreamerSvc already declared
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 73 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaRootStreamerSvc
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaRootStreamerSvc
Athena INFO including file "AtlasSealCLHEP/"
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 77 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
Athena INFO including file "RecExCond/"
py:RecExCommon_flags INFO Executing
Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/"
py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING doAOD False and doWriteAOD True. Only meaningful for AOD->AOD copy
py:RecExCommon_flags WARNING no AOD objects available, cannot write out tag, switching doWriteTAG=False
py:RecExCommon_flags INFO TrackRecordFilter alg switched on.
Athena INFO including file "RecExCond/"
Athena INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/"
Athena WARNING IOVDbSvc/ - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
Athena INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/"
Athena INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/"
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module IOVDbSvc
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVDbSvc
Athena INFO Conditions database access configured for instance OFLP130 using connection type logical and account ATLAS_COOL_READER
Athena INFO including file "DetDescrDictionary/"
Athena INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
Athena INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
Athena INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/"
Athena WARNING Additional request to configure conditions DB OFLP130 ignored
Athena INFO including file "EventInfoMgt/"
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventInfoMgt
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventInfoMgt
EventInfoMgt jobOptions: Got release version AtlasOffline-rel_6
Athena INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
Athena INFO including file "RDBAccessSvc/"
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module RDBAccessSvc
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : RDBAccessSvc
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 84 CLIDRegistry entries for module GeoModelSvc
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : GeoModelSvc
Athena INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
Athena INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
Athena INFO including file "TileIdCnv/"
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 139 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileIdCnv
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileIdCnv
Athena INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/"
Athena INFO including file "CaloConditions/"
Athena INFO including file "CaloCondAthenaPool/"
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 279 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules :
LArTTCellMap configuration: newFcal= False DetDescrVersion= ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00
Athena INFO including file "CaloTriggerTool/"
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 280 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTriggerTool
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTriggerTool
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 315 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloIdCnv
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloIdCnv
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 374 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArGeoAlgsNV
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArGeoAlgsNV
Athena INFO including file "CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv/"
now executing CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_CaloDetDescrCnv
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 492 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
Athena INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
Athena INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
Athena INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
Athena INFO including file "TileIdCnv/"
Athena INFO including file "LArDetDescr/"
now initializing the LAr readout geometry : standard Atlas flavour
Athena INFO including file "LArIdCnv/"
Athena INFO including file "LArTools/"
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 506 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArTools
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArTools
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 533 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArIdCnv
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArIdCnv
Athena INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/"
Athena INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/"
Athena WARNING IOVDbSvc/ - This file is obselete; conditions DB access should automatically be configured from detector geometry
Athena INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/"
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 1964 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
Athena INFO including file "LArRawConditions/"
Athena INFO including file "LArConditionsCommon/"
Athena INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/"
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules :
Athena INFO including file "LArRawConditions/"
Athena INFO including file "CaloTools/"
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2614 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTools
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTools
Athena ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2915 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCellRec
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCellRec
Athena ERROR inconsistent case used in property name "DLLs" of ApplicationMgr
==> After this line, a hack will be executed, attempting to rectify the
==> problem just reported. Since this hack may fail, and since it is a
==> rather temporary measure hack, this is an ERROR, not a WARNING.
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCalibUtils
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCalibUtils
Athena INFO including file "TileConditions/"
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileConditions
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileConditions
Athena INFO including file "TileConditions/"
Athena INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/"
Athena INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/"
Athena INFO including file "BFieldAth/"
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 3654 CLIDRegistry entries for module BFieldAth
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : BFieldAth
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 3803 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaPoolTest
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaPoolTest
Athena INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/"
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules :
Athena INFO including file "CaloAthenaPool/"
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 4265 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
Athena INFO including file "AthenaPoolTest/"
Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
ActiveStoreSvc INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
StatusCodeSvc INFO initialize
DetectorStore INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
EventPersistenc... INFO "CnvServices": ["DetDescrCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc", "AthenaPoolCnvSvc"]
ProxyProviderSvc INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version StoreGate-02-16-07
AthenaPoolCnvSvc INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-10-02
AthenaSealSvc INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:STLRflx
AthenaSealSvc INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
AthenaSealSvc INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
AthenaSealSvc INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:DetDescrDict
AthenaSealSvc INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:CaloTriggerToolDict
AthenaSealSvc INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
AthenaSealSvc INFO loadDictFiller - dictionary filler name:LArRawConditionsDict
PoolSvc INFO POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
PoolSvc INFO Resolved path is /afs/
PoolSvc INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default.
WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined
using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml'
AthenaRootStrea... INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
AthenaRootStrea... INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
ChronoStatSvc INFO Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
AthenaPoolCnvSvc INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService.
EventSelector INFO Create PoolCollectionConverter - CollectionType: ExplicitROOT Connection: InputCollection: NewEventCollection
Warning in <TClassTable::Add>: class pair<string,string> already in TClassTable
EventSelector INFO Using standard collection ref
Error in <TFile::TFile>: file NewEventCollection.root does not exist
EventSelector ERROR St9exception
ServiceManager WARNING Unable to initialize service "EventSelector" No service returned
free(): invalid pointer 0xb6de391c!
ProxyProviderSvc ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service EventSelector of type EventSelector
ProxyProviderSvc ERROR getting Address Provider EventSelector
ProxyProviderSv... FATAL Exception with tag=ProxyProviderSvc::providerNamesPropertyHandle is caught
ProxyProviderSv... ERROR ProxyProviderSvc::providerNamesPropertyHandle Failed to locate address provider StatusCode=FAILURE
ServiceManager WARNING Unable to initialize service "ProxyProviderSvc" No service returned
DetectorStore ERROR ServiceLocatorHelper::createService: can not create service ProxyProviderSvc
DetectorStore ERROR Could not get pointer to ProxyProvider Service
ServiceManager ERROR Unable to initialize Service: DetectorStore
ApplicationMgr FATAL finalize: Invalid state "Configured"
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully