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[ATR-23127] Add duplicate output DecisionContainers to L1Decoder for "probe" ChainIDs

Tim Martin requested to merge tamartin/athena:L1Decoder_probe into master

This MR causes certain decoders in the L1Decoder to output two DecisionContainers instead of one.

Both contain the same number of Decision Objects (one per ROI)

The original/main container is activated for all regular active chains and chain legs for the corresponding thresholds of the L1 ROI.

The new "probe" container is only activated for chain legs whose threshold is prepended with the word PROBE. E.g. if the EM5 threshold becomes PROBEEM5. Then the leg operating from this thresold only gets activated in the probe container.

This probe container may be used as input to reconstruction which has been delayed pending the decision of some higher threshold tag leg.

Merge request reports