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JetRec: Check input file for tracks/vertices

This updates the jet configuration to check the input file as well as the transient store for the the standard track and vertex collections when setting configuration flags. Previously it checked only the transient store - somehow this has been the case for at least 6 years without causing any serious problems. Recently, derivations such as PHYS have required a preExec manually setting some detector flags to run without crashing, and upon investigating I found this to be the culprit.

So, this should remove the need for the "magic preExec" when running derivations. I've tested that PHYS runs successfully out of the box with this change.

Tagging @sawyer, @mswiatlo, @cdelitzs, @zmarshal, as well as @ligang who recently ran into this.

Also @jferrand and @miochoa might be interested since they've been requesting quite a few r22 DAODs for the physics validation effort.

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