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fix AnalysisBase grid submission problems introduced with !42411

The changes introduced in !42411 (merged) required additional dictionaries to serialize any of the component configuration objects, which were not defined in that merge request. This is (apparently) not caught in any unit tests, but it leads to any sub-tools to be stripped off algorithms during batch and grid submission.

This MR should fix that by defining one dictionary and changing the type of one member variable to avoid the need for the second. At some point a new test should be defined to catch these problems in CI, or at least in the nightly tests, but for now having a quick fix seemed more important.

Marking this urgent because without it grid submission in AnalysisBase will have issues, which is bad.

cc @khamano (who reported the problem)

cc @akraszna @tadej (who understand dictionaries better than me and may spot any problems I didn't see)

Edited by Nils Erik Krumnack

Merge request reports