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First version of Digitization for ITk Strip Detector

Initial version of ITkStrip digitization - can run successfully, but does not yet produce completely correct output. However, this is not currently included in any standard test so this will not break anything through its inclusion, and debugging remaining issues will be easier once the changes here are included.

  • Add StripDigitization package including necessary Alg, Tools, and Config module. Several tools used in the config are still taken from SCT_Digitization to avoid code duplication, as these have not yet diverged in functionality or structure. As soon as any divergence is necessary, dedicated tools for ITkStrip will be add to this package and configured for use instead.
  • Add ITkStrip to the top-level digi config to allow it to run when the detector is enabled
  • Add new configured instances of several necessary Conditions tools for ITk. As above, at some point these may also want to have dedicated ITk implementations as well as configurations.
  • Several small updates to remove unneeded DB acces, and allow configuration of the DetMgr to be used.

cc @hhayward @jchapman @csebasti @tadej

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