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Add configurable to set Smartless level for voxelization of simulated volumes

As described in ATLITKSW-159 we would like to be able to more easily configure the Smartless settings for voxelization of volumes, in order to see if more optimal set of settings can be found for ITk simulation.

Adding a set of configurables to allow a map of volume names and values to be passed to the RunManager in or to be able to set these e.g. as follows (when using ISF with --simulator 'FullG4MT'):

--postExec 'cfg.getEventAlgo("ISF_Kernel_FullG4MT").SimulationTools["ISF_FullGeant4Tool"].VolumeSmartlessLevel={"ITk":0.1}'

This will set a value of 0.1 for any volume name that includes ITk.

FYI @hhayward @dellacqu

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