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TrigCost: Add jo to calculate EB weights

Aleksandra Poreba requested to merge aporeba/athena:add-eb-jo into master

Since we cannot calculate weights online (no L1 prescales available) this JO can be run right after.

Now we don't have Run3 EB files, so there is an option to run on Run2 AOD and TDT.

Calculated weights will be saved to EnhancedBiasWeights_RUNNUMBER.xml file. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
<weight n="0" n="22841" unbiased="0"/>
<weight n="1" n="560" unbiased="0"/>
<weight n="2" n="479349" unbiased="1"/>
<weight n="3" n="5" unbiased="0"/>
<weight n="4" n="5710" unbiased="0"/>
<weight n="5" n="4568" unbiased="0"/>
<e n="629039520" w="0"/>
<e n="629045067" w="1"/>
<e n="629048329" w="1"/>
<e n="629048362" w="5"/>
<e n="629048911" w="1"/>

Related to ATR-22175

Tagging @tamartin @mark

Example AOD file created with: --inputBSFile=/cvmfs/ --outputESDFile=ESD.pool.root --outputAODFile=AOD.pool.root --outputNTUP_TRIGRATEFile=rate.ntup.root --conditionsTag='CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-11' --geometryVersion='ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01' --preExec="from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags; ConfigFlags.Trigger.triggerMenuSetup='LS2_v1'; from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags; TriggerFlags.configForStartup='HLToffline'; TriggerFlags.inputHLTconfigFile.set_Value_and_Lock('NONE'); TriggerFlags.AODEDMSet.set_Value_and_Lock('AODFULL')" --postInclude="TriggerTest/" --athenaopts="--imf --perfmon --threads=4 --concurrent-events=4" --maxEvents=50 >Trig_reco_tf.Tier0Reco.log 2>&1
Edited by Aleksandra Poreba

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