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Support trf argument aliases when resolving AMI tags

Tadej Novak requested to merge tadej/athena:trfamifix into master

When trying to rename a transform argument and keeping the old value as an alias I figured out that this breaks AMI parsing, for example I want to change the following in !42667 (merged) (PileUpPremixing -> PileUpPresampling):

    parser.add_argument('--PileUpPresampling', '--PileUpPremixing',
                        help='Run digitization with pile-up presampling configuration.', group='Digi')

In this MR I collect the aliases in a dictionary and use this information when evaluating extraParameters.

Running with full-unit-tests to be safe.

As we do not have a dedicated person to review this, I'm tagging @emoyse and @elmsheus.

Merge request reports
