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Draft: Support jet multiplicity moments in derivations

William Keaton Balunas requested to merge wbalunas/athena:jetMult-210423 into 21.2

This adds support to include multiplicity moments from the JetMultiplicitiesTool in derivations.

  • A new function addJetMultiplicities(...) is added to ExtendedJetCommon. Usage is exactly the same that that of the existing addQGTaggerTool(...) (see current PHYS for an example).
  • JetAugmentationTool is extended to support the multiplicity moments (used under the hood by the derivation framework to add decorations to the jets). Users don't need to worry about this.

Calling the new function should schedule the creation of 4 additional jet moments: DFJets_nCA, DFJets_nISD, DFJets_nOSD, and DFJets_LHM. Users will also need to add these to their output stream (e.g. via their SlimmingHelper) to actually record them to the DAOD.

Tagging @mleblanc, @sawyer, @cdelitzs, @mswiatlo.

Merge request reports
