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Changes to get newJO reco in sync with q431

Tomasz Bold requested to merge tbold/athena:sync-reco-component-names into master

In this MR couple of names were adjusted (and defaults set) to reduce the differnece between the new JO reco on raw nad q431 config. As side, little improvemnt to the diffing.

I see many differnces that only there because on old config the pickled config contains c++ defaults. I'll see if I can modify the behaviour of old pickling to avoid this.

Tagging @wlampl & @goetz as I have made changes in your domanins. BTW. Having the same names pointed out to number of actuall differneces. An exmple:

 Component InDetAmbiguityScore.InDetAmbiguityScoreProcessor differ
        etaBounds = [0.8, 1.6, 2.5, 4.0]:  exists only in 1st file  << !!!
        sharedProbCut :  0.55  vs  0.6   << !!!
        sharedProbCut2 :  0.45  vs  0.2   << !!!

Lots of fun ahead.

Merge request reports