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AnalysisTop: Adding new smallR JMS recommendations

Steffen Korn requested to merge skorn/athena:21.2_ATsmallR_JMS into 21.2

This MR adds the new JMS recommendations to AnalysisTop as described in JetUncertaintiesRel21Spring2021SmallRJMS.

The JMS uncertainties for small-radius (R = 0.4) EMTopo and PFlow jets are derived using the Rtrk method using 2015-2018 data. All of these uncertainties are ONLY valid for FullSim. For these uncertainties two different config files are provided ending in JMS_frozen.config and JMS_scaled.config. These config files are based on the config files for the JES/JER uncertainties.

If previously the config file R4_AllNuisanceParameters_AllJERNP.config was used then the new corresponding config files are:

  • R4_AllNuisanceParameters_AllJERNP_JMS_frozen.config and
  • R4_AllNuisanceParameters_AllJERNP_JMS_scaled.config

The new JMS option can be selected via a new config option in AnalysisTop, namely JetJMSOption. The supported config options are:

  • None (Default)
  • JMS_frozen
  • JMS_scaled

While None will select the previously used config files, the other two options will use the new JMS recommendations:

  • JMS_frozen: The shape and magnitude of the uncertainties at m/pT = 0.25 are also used for m/pT > 0.25 (done for each component)
  • JMS_scaled: The magnitude of the uncertainties at m/pT = 0.25 was scaled linearly with increasing m/pT

Merge request reports
