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Changes to TTVA to correct jet trigger moment reconstruction with AMVF vertices

Marco Valente requested to merge valentem/athena:valentem_TTVA_2021-04-15 into master

This MR includes a preliminary fix for the imprecise calculation of jet trigger moments appearing when using the new AMVF vertices. As illustrated in this and this talk, the problem seems to be due to the appearance of new vertices close to the primary (generally within 1-2mm distance in z) and being considered as additional pileup vertices. A new property in the TrackVertexAssociationTool has been included allowing to prioritise the primary vertex in the track-to-vertex association (TTVA) and avoiding these new additional vertices to steal tracks from the primary. From preliminary tests, this results in a much performance for the JVT moments.

These fixes only affect the track-based jet moments calculated in jet triggers. These are also disabled by default now and can be enabled by a specific flag in preExec.

Edited by Marco Valente

Merge request reports
