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Trigger: Fix xAOD::AuxSelection WARNING Selected dynamic Aux atribute not found in the registry (3rd attempt)

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:dynaux-initialise-v3 into master

Third attempt after !39270 (closed) and !43320 (closed) at fixing ATR-22421. This time instantiating all AuxElement Accessors for all Trigger EDM decorations at compile-time by listing them in a header file in TrigOutputHandling and including it in HLTEDMCreator.cxx.

The fixed warning is now marked as failure in to prevent it from returning. Warning and info message count checks are also refined in two TriggerTest tests.

Performance effects:

  • single-threaded compilation time of the TrigOutputHandling package: +2% (10s)
  • TrigOutputHandlingLib library size: 5.8 MB -> 6.2 MB for .so, 97 MB -> 103 MB for .so.dbg
  • no runtime overhead - running 3 tests before and 3 after the change, timing seemed to improve (could be due to some external factors)

NOTE FOR RC: This MR has a runtime conflict with any MR adding new decorations in the TriggerEDMRun3 list. Merging such changes and this MR together will result in broken CI despite the two MRs both having green CI on their own. I will rebase this MR after the one I'm aware of, !42764 (merged), but please let me know if I miss any others.

Edited by Rafal Bielski

Merge request reports
