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Trig_reco_tf run without needing outputBSFile defined

Mark Stockton requested to merge mark/athena:trf-noBS into master

The cost and debug stream steps need the BS output, but if it wasn't being used in further steps within the transform it wasn't being created. Fixed by adding save-output to athenaHLT command line in cases when not provided already. Alternative would be to use a default for outputBSFile, but there are still possible cases when the BS file isn't needed to be produced.

Cleaned up BS search function (so not only if request BS) and some of the debug workflow to reflect how it will be used now (e.g. will only be sent single files for the post processing)

@aporeba thanks for spotting the problem - tested for both debug and cost workflows, including your example --precommand "setMenu=\'LS2_v1\';enableCostMonitoring=True;" --athenaopts "--imf --perfmon --threads=1 --concurrent-events=1 --nprocs=1" --maxEvents 50 --inputBS_RDOFile "/cvmfs/" --outputNTUP_TRIGCOSTFile "TrigCostRoot_Results.root"

Please comment if you see any issues with the changes to dbgAnalysis or elsewhere

cc @kskazytk @tnobe

Merge request reports