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AnalysisTop:adding ElectronEfficiencyCorrelationModel "COMBMCTOYS"

Merve Sahinsoy requested to merge sahinsoy/athena:21.2-Merve into 21.2

ANALYSISTO-1103 With this merge it is possible to use "COMBMCTOYS" as an electron efficiency correlation model. User can specify the number of toys, and a toy seed with the new parameters which were given with the default values below.

ElectronEfficiencySystematicModel COMBMCTOYS ElectronEfficiencySystematicModelNToys 40 ElectronEfficiencySystematicModelToySeed 12345

The output of the toys are stored in the nominal tree as vectors: weight_leptonSF_EL_SF_COMBMCTOYS_Reco/ID/Iso_UP(DOWN). Note that up and down vectors are same and their size is equal to NToys and results are to be evaluated given in the twiki.

Edited by Merve Sahinsoy

Merge request reports
