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DetCommon Fix, master branch (2021.05.19.)

Fixed which externals DetCommon would use. The project was mistakenly updated to LCG_100_ATLAS_1 instead of vanilla LCG_100 in !43271 (merged), and the corresponding tdaq-common version was also not updated to the LCG_100 one. 😦

I'm also quite guilty on this, I did not notice this error when reviewing !43271 (merged). But what I really don't understand is why the CI and the nightly is not freaking out about building DetCommon against the "old" tdaq-common version. 😕 This was really a sneaky little serpent waiting to bite us...

A note to @fwinkl: I noticed the tdaq-common version issue while trying to build DetCommon for aarch64-centos7-gcc8-opt. With these fixes included, I am able to perform that build with:

asetup none,gcc8,cmakesetup
export PATH=/cvmfs/$PATH
export TDAQ_RELEASE_BASE=/cvmfs/
./athena/Projects/DetCommon/ -x -DLCG_VERSION_POSTFIX=arm
[ 99%] Linking CXX executable ../../../../aarch64-centos7-gcc8-opt/bin/TrigConfTopoTestSteeringConfig
[ 99%] Linking CXX executable ../../../aarch64-centos7-gcc8-opt/bin/TrigConfConsistencyChecker
Detaching debug info of TrigConfTopoTestSteeringConfig into TrigConfTopoTestSteeringConfig.dbg
[ 99%] Built target TrigConfTopoTestSteeringConfig
Detaching debug info of TrigConfConsistencyChecker into TrigConfConsistencyChecker.dbg
[ 99%] Built target TrigConfConsistencyChecker
[100%] TrigConfStorage: Package build succeeded
TrigConfStorage: Package build succeeded
[100%] Built target Package_TrigConfStorage
[100%] Linking CXX executable ../../../../aarch64-centos7-gcc8-opt/bin/TrigConfTopoStandAlone
Detaching debug info of TrigConfTopoStandAlone into TrigConfTopoStandAlone.dbg
[100%] Built target TrigConfTopoStandAlone
[100%] L1TopoCoreSim: Package build succeeded
L1TopoCoreSim: Package build succeeded
[100%] Built target Package_L1TopoCoreSim
CPack: Create package using RPM
CPack: Install projects
CPack: Create package using RPM
CPack: Install projects
CPack: Create package
CPackRPM: Will use GENERATED spec file: /build/krasznaa/build-detcommon/build/DetCommon/_CPack_Packages/RPM/SPECS/DetCommon_22.0.35_aarch64-centos7-gcc8-opt-dbg.spec
CPack: - Install scripts: /build/krasznaa/build-detcommon/src/atlasexternals/Build/AtlasCMake/modules/scripts/cpack_install.cmake
CPack: - Install script: /build/krasznaa/build-detcommon/src/atlasexternals/Build/AtlasCMake/modules/scripts/cpack_install.cmake
CPack: Create package
CPackRPM: Will use GENERATED spec file: /build/krasznaa/build-detcommon/build/DetCommon/_CPack_Packages/Linux/RPM/SPECS/DetCommon_22.0.35_aarch64-centos7-gcc8-opt.spec
CPack: - package: /build/krasznaa/build-detcommon/build/DetCommon/DetCommon_22.0.35_aarch64-centos7-gcc8-opt.rpm generated.
CPack: - package: /build/krasznaa/build-detcommon/build/DetCommon/DetCommon_22.0.35_aarch64-centos7-gcc8-opt-dbg.rpm generated.
[bash][techlab-arm64-thunderx2-01]:krasznaa >


P.S. I hope we can avoid using full-build for this one. But I'm not quite 100% sure...

Edited by Attila Krasznahorkay

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