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Component accumulator based config for the MET slice

Jon Burr requested to merge jburr/athena:CAMET into master

This MR adds component accumulator style configuration for the MET slice for all chains except trkmht.

As a part of this I had to add CAs for most of our dependencies. In particular I had to make significant modifications to the following areas (I've tried to tag the relevant experts but I may have missed people, but hopefully the CI will add them):

  • ID @sutt
    • Added new file This is the CA equivalent of
    • changed TrigInDetConfig.trigInDetFastTrackingCfg to allow running it full-scan
    • Added CA configuration to
    • Added the jet flags to
  • HLTCalo @damazio, @joheinri
    • Allowed specifying an input cell container for TrigCaloRecConfig.hltTopoClusterMakerCfg
    • Added hltCaloTopoClusterCalibratorCfg to provide the LCW shallow copy maker
  • PFlow @mhodgkin, @khoo
    • A few bugfixes in PFCfg
    • Added more configuration into PFHLTCfg, including adding the HLT muon removal options
  • Jets @jbossios, @valentem, @khoo
    • Added which is the CA equivalent of and has basically the same structure
    • Added CA configuration to
    • Changed the existing to use these new functions. Right now I've connected it up for the chains used in the newJO menu, but I'm pretty sure that more complex ones won't fully work.
    • Fixed a bug in where the pt min filter was set as 10 MeV instead of 10 GeV

The changes in the reference files come from the pt min filter bugfix.

The reason that trkmht doesn't work yet is that the jet calibration (subresjesgscIS) doesn't work. The residual (res) calibration requires EventInfo.actualInteractionsPerCrossing which doesn't exist. I'm assuming that this means that I'm just missing some necessary recipe to provide this.

As this MR is pretty large I've kept it marked as draft until the relevant experts can OK the changes I've made to their code.

Edited by Jon Burr

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