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Modification of for fractionally charged particle search

Quanyin Li requested to merge quli/athena:test_d into master

Due to some specific usage in our fractionally charged particle search, we want to modify EXOT17 derivation. Compared with the original EXOT17, in this modification, nothing will be removed. Meanwhile lower threshold of muons and additional stau container will be applied.

These are the details of the modification:

  1. TriggerChains: •Before: EXOT17ThinningHelper.TriggerChains = '^(?!._[0-9](e|j|xe|tau|ht|xs|te))(?!HLT_mu._[0-9]mu.)HLT_mu.' •After: EXOT17ThinningHelper.TriggerChains = '^(?!._[0-9](e|j|xe|tau|ht|xs|te))(?!HLT_mu._[0-9]mu.)HLT_mu.|HLT_j420|HLT_j400'
  2. The minimum pt of muons and staus: •Before: expression = '(count( > 50GeV && (Muons.DFCommonGoodMuon && Muons.muonType == 0)) >= 1)' •After: expression = '(( count( > 30GeV && (Muons.DFCommonGoodMuon && Muons.muonType == 0)) >= 1) || ( count( > 30*GeV && Staus.muonType == 0) >= 1))'
  3. Additional containers: •Additional "Staus" •Additional "CombinedStauTrackParticles“ •Additional "SlowMuons“ •Additional truth particles with pdgId >= 20000000 && pdgId <= 20010100 (FCPs)

With this modification the size of data samples will be ~3.75 times as before.

Merge request reports
