TileSimAlgs: Make Tile digits maker algorithm reentrant
Tile digits maker algorithm has been migrated to reentrant one.
The following tests have been used:
RunTier0Tests.py => ALL TESTS: PASSED
RunTier0Tests.py --pileup => ALL TESTS: PASSED
RunTier0Tests.py --overlay => no differences in output files
(all tests have not been passed because perfmon info
is not found in logs in clean and patched versions)
In order to test MC+MC Overlay jobs in AthenaMT
the following commands have been used in clean and patched versions:
Reco_tf.py --AMIConfig d1592 --inputHITSFile /cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/OverlayMonitoringRTT/mc16_13TeV.424000.ParticleGun_single_mu_Pt100.simul.HITS.e3580_s3126/HITS.11330296._000376.pool.root.1 --inputRDO_BKGFile /cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/OverlayMonitoringRTT/PileupPremixing/22.0/v4/RDO.merged-pileup-MT.100events.pool.root --outputRDOFile myRDO.pool.root --imf False --maxEvents=100 --CA Overlay:True --multithreaded
In order to test output files the following command has been used:
acmd diff-root myRDO.pool.root ../clean/myRDO.pool.root --order-trees
No crashes in jobs or differences in output files have been observed.