Major update of DAOD_PHYSLITE in master
This is a major update of DAOD_PHYSLITE in master, restoring thinning, synchronising jet/MET/b-tagging with DAOD_PHYS, dropping old r21 material. Several parts are still commented out as the relevant tools have not yet been migrated to r22. Note to shifters: the commented lines should remain since we expect to be able to uncomment them soon and it is useful to see what is still left to be done. Since DAOD_PHYSLITE is not used for physics anlaysis yet, and since no other software uses the modified script, this will have no effect on any other output.
Size is now 11 KB/event for MC but this will go up again as we add the calibrated objects (AnalysisElectrons, AnalysisMuons etc)
Edited by James Catmore