New FTAG release 22 b-taggers/training in DAOD_PHYS for analysis groups to look at them in context of 2nd round of CP samples production
This MR includes in DAOD_PHYS 4 new FTAG b-taggers/training for analysis groups to look at them in context of 2nd round of CP samples production:
- 2 DIPS (dips,dipsLoose): dips20210517_pb,_pc,_pu and dipsLoose20210517_pb,_pc,_pu
- DL1r with rel22 training: DL1r20210519r22_pb,_pc,_pu
- DL1d with stdDIPS: DL1d20210528r22_pb,_pc,_pu
Tagging few people: @cschiavi @vdao @mguth @fdibello @dguest @sanmay
Edited by Arnaud Duperrin