TileSimAlgs+TileConditions: Use conditions objects directly in Tile digits maker
Tile digits maker has been modified to use conditions objects
(pulse shape, EM scale, bad channels, sample noise) directly
instead of using them via the corresponding Tile conditions tools.
This allows to retrieve conditions objects only once per event
instead of retrieving them once per channel (~10000) in event.
New wrapper classes (TilePulse and TileSampleNoise) around
conditions objects have been added with the about the same interface
as the corresponding tools have in order to avoid using the tools in Tile digits maker.
It is planning that later these classes will become conditions objects itself.
Configuration files for Tile digits maker have been modified accordingly.
The following tests have been used:
RunTier0Tests.py => ALL TESTS: PASSED
RunTier0Tests.py --pileup => ALL TESTS: PASSED
RunTier0Tests.py --overlay => no differences in output files
(all tests have not been passed because perfmon info
is not found in logs in clean and patched versions)
In order to test MC+MC Overlay jobs in AthenaMT
the following commands have been used in clean and patched versions:
Reco_tf.py --AMIConfig d1592 --inputHITSFile /cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/OverlayMonitoringRTT/mc16_13TeV.424000.ParticleGun_single_mu_Pt100.simul.HITS.e3580_s3126/HITS.11330296._000376.pool.root.1 --inputRDO_BKGFile /cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/OverlayMonitoringRTT/PileupPremixing/22.0/v4/RDO.merged-pileup-MT.100events.pool.root --outputRDOFile myRDO.pool.root --imf False --maxEvents=100 --CA Overlay:True --multithreaded
In order to test output files the following command has been used:
acmd diff-root myRDO.pool.root ../clean/myRDO.pool.root --order-trees
No crashes in jobs or differences in output files have been observed.