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Draft: Adds Electron variables and Photon AmbiguityType to HDBS2 Extra Content
Updates the HDBS2 derivation to keep the following:
- In Electrons Container: Rhad, Rhad1, ethad1, ethad, f1, f3, f3core, e233, e237, e277, weta1, weta2, e2tsts1, fracs1, wtots1, emins1, emaxs1, Reta, Rphi, Eratio, DeltaE, ambiguityType, author, deltaEta0, deltaEta1, deltaEta2, deltaEta3, deltaPhi0, deltaPhi1, deltaPhi2, deltaPhi3, deltaPhiRescaled0, deltaPhiRescaled1, deltaPhiRescaled2, deltaPhiRescaled3, deltaPhiFromLastMeasurement
- In Photons Container: ambiguityType
These changes are made in the DerivationFrameworkHDBS/python/ file. The additions increase the event size by 0.75%.
Edited by Julia Manuela Cardoso Silva