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Adding the ghost associated HF hadrons as an extra content for DAOD_PHYS in master

Giuseppe Callea requested to merge gcallea-master-patch-57430 into master

This MR adds the heavy flavour hadrons information as extra content for DAOD_PHYS in master. Such information is needed for the Hbb group analyses and was already part of the r21 derivation formats:

GhostBHadronsFinal,GhostCHadronsFinal.GhostBHadronsFinalCount.GhostBHadronsFinalPt.GhostCHadronsFinalCount.GhostCHadronsFinalPt.GhostTausFinal.GhostTausFinalCount for VR track-jets

GhostBHadronsFinal.GhostCHadronsFinal.GhostBHadronsFinalCount.GhostBHadronsFinalPt.GhostCHadronsFinalCount.GhostCHadronsFinalPt.GhostTausFinal.GhostTausFinalCount.ConeExclBHadronsFinal.ConeExclCHadronsFinal for anti-kt R=0.4 jets

Its inclusion led to a ~1% increase in each DAOD formats they were included.

Details were already discussed here:

We would need to add the same amount of info in 21.2 and will open a separate MR.

Tagging: @jcatmore, @alister and @lheinric

@angianni, @fdibello, @ckato for the Higgs group

Edited by Giuseppe Callea

Merge request reports
