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HLTJobOptions.db.json remove filenames to avoid duplicates

Mark Stockton requested to merge mark/athena:HLTJOdb into master

Remove filenames to avoid duplicate DB uploads of HLTJobOptions.db.json, especially when produced for different prescalesets but the same menu ATR-20878

The affected JSON blocks are:

          "HLTConfigSvc": {
              "ConfigSource": "None",
              "InputType": "db",
              "JsonFileName": "None",
              "XMLMenuFile": "None"

Previous value example: "JsonFileName": "HLTMenu_LS2_v1_22.0.37.json",

          "HLTPrescaleCondAlg": {
              "DetStore": "StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore",
              "EvtStore": "StoreGateSvc",
              "ExtraInputs": "[]",
              "ExtraOutputs": "[]",
              "Filename": "None",
              "HLTPrescales": "ConditionStore+HLTPrescales",
              "NeededResources": "[]",
              "PSKFolder": "ConditionStore+/TRIGGER/HLT/PrescaleKey",
              "Source": "COOL",
              "TriggerDB": "JOSVC"

Previous value example: "Filename": "HLTPrescalesSet_LS2_v1_22.0.37.json",

          "LVL1ConfigSvc": {
              "ConfigSource": "XML",
              "InputType": "db",
              "JsonFileName": "None",
              "JsonFileNameBGS": "None",
              "XMLMenuFile": "TriggerMenuMT/LVL1config_LS2_v1_22.0.37.xml"

Previous value examples: "JsonFileName": "./L1Menu_LS2_v1_22.0.37.json", "JsonFileNameBGS": "./BunchGroupSet_LS2_v1_22.0.37.json",

Note XMLMenuFile is needed as is read from the release still currently

Tested running from the DB with release 2021-06-01T2101 --imf --perfmon --threads=1 --concurrent-events=1 --nprocs=1 --number-of-events=50 --file=/cvmfs/ -b --smk=180 --l1psk=41 --hltpsk=109 --db-server=TRIGGERDBATN

@stelzer is there any implication from these changes for running in a partition?

@astruebi @tamartin maybe its worth making use of the ongoing TR to test this - I can provide a modified SMK if so.

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