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Electron working point without pix requirements for LRT chains

Jonathan Long requested to merge longjon/athena:electron_lrt_dev into master

This merge adds no *nopix working points for the electron likelihood for the LRT chains. This resolves the low efficiency discussed in ATR-23500. The pid version for the cvmfs folder was updated. The conf files for everything else remains the same, copied, but new files were added without the pix requirement (ATLINFR-4131). As expected, the ART test didn't report any count changes.

I added commented out chains for evaluating the rate in a reprocessing. These are waiting on ATR-23564, which commented out the previous electron LRT chains, and the hypo requirement on the precision track mentioned in ATR-23500.

One ctest failed due to a timeout: 5 - TrigInDetValidation_TrigValSteeringUT_ctest (Timeout)

One of the art tests from -m returned an error due to "WARNING [HLTMPPU::forkChildren(...)" along with a timeout. I saw the same timeout when running the nightly without my changes.

INFO     | | Reco_tf: 0, CheckLog: 0, MessageCount: 3, RootComp: 27, CountRefComp: 0, ZeroCounts: 0, exit: 0    |
INFO     |               | athenaHLT: 0, CheckLog: 10, MessageCount: 2, RootComp: 14, ZeroCounts: 0, exit: 10                 |
INFO     |            | athena_run: 0, ExecSummary: 0, CheckLog: 0, MessageCount: 3, RootComp: 127, ZeroCounts: 0, exit: 0 |
INFO     |            | athena: 0, CheckLog: 0, MessageCount: 0, RootComp: 18, CountRefComp: 0, ZeroCounts: 0, exit: 0     |
Edited by Jonathan Long

Merge request reports
