Improve AlgStall log extraction
patterns to correctly extract all the useful information from AvalancheSchedulerSvc algorithm stall printouts. In particular:
- add "missing conditions data" and "required by tool" patterns besides "missing data"
- fix the "can be produced" parenthesis escape
- allow timestamp to be present at start of line preceding the whitespace before the stall patterns
With these changes we can correctly match the following:
InDetPixelClusterization__minBias (156), w/ decision: UNDEFINED(-1), in state: CONTROLREADY
missing conditions data: ( 'PixelChargeCalibCondData' , 'ConditionStore+PixelChargeCalibCondData' )
required by tool: InDetPixelClusterization__minBias.InDetMergedPixelsTool__minBias
InDetSiTrackerSpacePointFinder__minBias (158), w/ decision: UNDEFINED(-1), in state: CONTROLREADY
missing data: ( 'InDet::PixelClusterContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+PixelTrigClusters' )
can be produced by alg(s): ( InDetPixelClusterization__beamSpotFS in state: INITIAL ) ( InDetPixelClusterization__cosmics in state: INITIAL ) ( InDetPixelClusterization__minBias in state:
07:40:22 InDetPixelClusterization__cosmics (89), w/ decision: UNDEFINED(-1), in state: CONTROLREADY
07:40:22 missing conditions data: ( 'PixelChargeCalibCondData' , 'ConditionStore+PixelChargeCalibCondData' )
07:40:22 required by tool: InDetPixelClusterization__cosmics.InDetMergedPixelsTool__cosmics
07:40:22 InDetSiTrackerSpacePointFinder__cosmics (91), w/ decision: UNDEFINED(-1), in state: CONTROLREADY
07:40:22 missing data: ( 'InDet::PixelClusterContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+PixelTrigClusters' )
07:40:22 can be produced by alg(s): ( InDetPixelClusterization__cosmics in state: CONTROLREADY )
All these examples are from ATR-23704
cc @okumura