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Decrease the default number of events in TrigP1Test ART-local tests

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:trigp1test-fewer-events into master

Run TrigP1Test ART-local tests on 80 events instead of 100 to save some time. With the Trigger Menu growing rapidly in the past few weeks towards the Run-3 menu sign-off, the tests started to take a bit too much time and cause problems. It's a pity to resort to this solution, but there doesn't seem to be any better option for improving performance in a short term.

Fixes ATR-23767 albeit in an unsatisfactory way slightly decreasing the testing coverage.

cc @astruebi, @palacino, @dzanzi, @khoo, @markowen, @okumura, @vmartin

Merge request reports