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TileEventAthenPool: Make Tile Cell container POOL converter MT friendly (ATLASRECTS-6453)

Tile Cell container POOL converter has been modified to remove optimization
which allows to create persistent representation of Tile Cell container
only once and reuse it in many events, because it is not MT friendly.

Now new persistent representation of Tile Cell container
is created in every event.

The following command has been used for testing this patch: --AMI=q431 --athenaopts='--threads=8' --maxEvents=100 --steering doRAWtoALL --conditionsTag 'all:CONDBR2-BLKPA-RUN2-03' --outputAODFile=myAOD.pool.root --outputESDFile=myESD.pool.root --outputHISTFile=myHIST.root --imf False

Before applying this patch diff-root showed differences in MBTSContainer and E4prContainer
in AOD files produced in different releases: 2021-07-02T2101 and 2021-07-03T2101

Even in the same release there were differences in these containers
in AOD files produced with different options: --threads=1 and --threads=8

After applying this patch in the releases mentioned above
all these tests show no differences in these containers. in master shows no differences in the containers mentioned above.
This test shows only differences in q221 in trigger container which also showed up in clean release (without this patch).

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