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ATR-23719 Add HLTMonitoring python access

Aleksandra Poreba requested to merge aporeba/athena:read-moni-file into master

Add an option to read HLTMonitoring json file and make it accessible by python.

Tested in RAWtoESD step with release HLTMonitoring.json file:

tmp = getHLTMonitoringAccess(ConfigFlags)
print(tmp.monitoredSignatures()) # returns the monitored signatures tree

> OrderedDict([('muonMon', OrderedDict([('HLT_mu26_ivarmedium_L1MU20', ['shifter'])])), ('idMon', OrderedDict([('HLT_mu26_ivarmedium_L1MU20', ['t0'])]))])
print(tmp.monitoredT0Chains()) # returns all t0 chains

> ['HLT_mu26_ivarmedium_L1MU20']
print(tmp.monitoredT0Chains("idMon")) # returns all t0 chain for a given signature 

> ['HLT_mu26_ivarmedium_L1MU20']

Tagging @mark @tamartin @ebergeas

Merge request reports
