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Add new flags[Muon|Calo|Topo|CTP] to steer BS conversion and simulation

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:new-l1-subsystem-flags into master

Add newJO Trigger flags allowing to disable simulation and ByteStream conversion of specific LVL1 sub-systems.

The L1Muon flag was already there, but inconsistently (wrt flags in other areas) named "doMuons" instead of "doMuon" and not actually used anywhere. It is renamed to Trigger.L1.doMuon and similar flags for other sub-systems are added.

Motivated by the need to support special reconstruction of partial-event-building streams' data where only CTP information is saved but not L1Calo/Muon/Topo. Prompted by issues reported by @steinber in reconstruction of the ZDC calibration stream.

FYI @tbold, @wiedenma, @smh

Merge request reports