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Make MUCTPI MT safe

Aaron James Armbruster requested to merge armbrust/athena:muctpi-MT into master

Move SimController from a pointer to an instance member variable. The MuonSectorProcessor and TriggerProcessor classes were changed so that no intermediate results are stored in them to allow for const methods. The MUCTPIResults class was added to pass between these classes to store these intermediate results and back to the MUCTPI_AthTool.

The MUCTPI_AthTool::fillMuCTPIL1Topo method, which is used by the MuonInputProvider in the L1TopoSimulation was commented out for now until the usage of this can be resolved, since it relies on the intermediate L1Topo candidates being stored in the MUCTPI_AthTool.

Fixes ATR-23540.

Edited by Aaron James Armbruster

Merge request reports